Sunday, January 3, 2010

Photo Book

I'd forgotten last year that I blogged about making a photo book. It was a bit of trouble because I ended up trying three different places before settling on one company. After deciding not to hand out the books to the grandparents at his birthday party and instead have the book include photos of this it got back burner-ed (I thought I just made that word up, but spell check put in the hyphen). We ended up not ordering them. Around Thanksgiving sent out an email with a 20% off coupon code and free shipping! I'd been on their mailing list for a year and hadn't seen a coupon! I was so excited. We received it in time to give them out at our St. Nicholas Day get together!

At any rate, I said I'd upload pictures of the book when they came. Here they are! I can't recommend highly enough. I'm not getting paid to say this, and I'm (sadly) not getting any discounts either.

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