Sunday, January 1, 2012


Welcome 2012, you have been much anticipated!

I made a beautiful bunting style sign and cleaned up the house nicely for a little New Year's get together we had last night. It was just my parents, and in-laws, and everyone was gone by 10:00 (we were exhausted). I felt so happy this morning when I walked in and saw my clean house (I took time to pick up again after everyone left) and that beautiful sign. It says "For Auld Lang Syne" and I hung it on the arches into the dining room right over the Christmas flower swag. I'll take a picture before I take it down. I think I'm saving this one!

I have a few goals for 2012, and here they are:
*Weight Loss:
~I will lose 10lbs in the first 3 months of 2012
I will do this by:
Eating strictly Plaeo for the month of January
Planning paleo snacks
Completing the 100 pushup program
Working out at least 3x a week after the program
* Cleaning Goal
~I will keep a cleaner home
I will do this by:
Helping Miles pick up toys every night before bath/bed.
Giving Miles chores and stick to them
Sticking to a cleaning schedule
Keeping floors clean (swept & mopped) - I've done really well with this in the past, but not so much recently
How nice to have a home where you are never worried about opening the door.
* Picture Goal
~I will take more photos this year
I will do this by
Complete 52 of 52 challenge.
Try to take pictures of Miles at least three times a week.
Take Mother's & Father's day pictures this year!
* Bible Study Goal
~I will have a daily Bible study and I will read the Bible in a year.
*Christmas Goals
~I will have a low stress Christmas this year.
I will accomplish this by:
Hand making at least 5 Christmas gifts this year. I will work on one every other month.
Trying to have complete list by early/mid October.
Buying 3 stocking stuffers a month (15 stockings to stuff).
Completing Advent activities.
*Family Goal
~I will go on a field trip with Nicholas each month this year (and take plenty of pictures helping my photo goal).

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