Monday, August 25, 2008

Giveaways and Menu Plans!

Ok, first of all I won a giveaway! Not Quite June Cleaver hosted a giveaway of the book The Creative Family.
It just came in the mail today, and I'm so excited to read it! It was written by Amanda Blake of Soule Mama. Look at Not Quite June Cleaver for beautiful photography, wonderful recipes, and fun stories (I'm working on a little thank you gift for Susan).

I'm an Organizing Junkie always hosts Menu Plan Monday. In the past I've been pretty good at menu planning for my week, and it really helps with the budget and meal ideas! In the last couple of weeks I have fallen out of the habit. Recently I've been thinking that I should participate in Menu Plan Monday just to get me back in the swing of things. I popped over there today and guess what? She is hosting a giveaway to the participants! All you have to do is participate in MPM and you'll be entered! What encouragement is that! I just refreshed and there are 298 participants! I'd better hurry, but you have until noon on Tuesday (if I read the rules correctly).

Ohh! I'm lucky number 300! :) (300 is lucky, right?)

Monday: Pasta w/Chicken and veggies
Tuesday: Leftover Ribs (from the weekend)
Wednesday: Grilled Fish w/ grilled squash (grill chicken for tomorrow)
Thursday: Grilled Chicken Salad
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza (we like to make our own pizza dough too)
Weekend: Out of Town

Also, I need to remember to eat my fruit this week! Last week we didn't quite get through all of what we have and I HATE having fruit and veggies go bad on me!

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