Saturday, July 28, 2007

More S.M.A.R.T. Habits

Whewh! What a week. I didn't have a chance to post for S.M.A.R.T. Habit Saturday last week. We had company in town again. Turns out it was a good thing. I was going to pick getting Miles on a schedule with a bedtime routine as my new habit. This week he decided that teething was the thing to do. It has been a long one and there was no place to put him on a schedule. I have also decided that maybe that should be broken up into two weeks. I will pay attention to his schedule this week, and stick with it but my habit is going to be his bedtime routine. I've given a lot of thought to what it should be, but still haven't decided completely. I'll post later (maybe tomorrow) about what we decide.

07/07/07 - Make bed as soon as everyone is up - Doing great! Usually after breakfast but I'm happy with that.
07/14/07 - Drink minimum of 64 oz. water per day - Doing pretty well.
07/21/07 - Skipped
07/28/07 - Bed time routine for Miles

Saturday, July 14, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

Well, it's another S.M.A.R.T. Habit Saturday. I did very well with my habit from last week. I made the bed every day. It wasn't necessarily as soon as I got up because sometimes my husband was still in it. By the time I put Miles down for a nap it was made though. I thought several times this week about what my new habit should be, but when I woke up this morning I had forgotten it was Saturday. Ever since I figured it out, I have been trying to pick one. It is not that I have run out of good habits I want to form, it is more a matter of picking one that I will be able to stick with :) I need more momentum before I hit the hard ones! I think this week I will work on drinking more water. I have seen that several people are working on that, and it is a good one for me. I feel like I was doing great, then when I was sick a couple of weeks ago I got off track. I'm still breastfeeding my son, so it is very important now for me to stay fully hydrated!

07/07/07 - Make bed as soon as everyone is up.
07/14/07 - Drink minimum of 64 oz. water per day.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sleep trouble and the worst dream ever

So, we haven't been sleeping too well around here recently. I feel like I have no idea how to get Miles to sleep, and unless he just falls asleep he won't ever sleep again. This is not true, but I think he is changing his sleep patterns some. Each night I try the way that used to get him to sleep, and he will get sleepy then all of the sudden he gets his second wind. It is so aggravating! So, I will get him up, put him in his sling and bounce him on our yoga ball. Don't even ask how we figured out that will get him to sleep because I really have no idea. Fortunately, it does. So, each night I bounce with him on the ball for EVER, then either put him to bed (and go retrieve him to start all over again when he wakes) or hold him until I'm ready for bed. After I go to bed he sleeps pretty well most of the night waking once or twice. I've been reading Dr. Ferber's book that my sister sent. I appreciate the book and the thought. She says that it worked for her. We tried it yesterday for Miles' morning nap, and it was bad. He didn't sleep, he screamed. When I went in the third time to check on him, he kept screaming. I did leave when I was supposed to, and he kept screaming. It was terrible! Jared finally went in and picked him up. It took a while to get him settled again. After we settled him he slept for 2 or 3 hours. But by then it had bled over into when his afternoon nap should have been so we didn't know what to do. So, we go to bed last night. Usually Miles wakes up between 3 and 4 AM. Last night he woke a bit before 5 needing a diaper change. I was working on changing it, and he peed on me. After cleaning him, the bed, and me he couldn't get back to sleep. Jared had to go to a customer's site this morning so I said I would get up with him. I think Jared couldn't sleep either because he got up before the alarm went off. Well, at about 6 or a quarter after, Miles just fell asleep on my lap. I put him down and finished making breakfast. I was going to get him up at 7 (we are working on a schedule), but Jared said with him being sick we should let him sleep. I lay down next to him to try for a nap (I REALLY needed one yesterday, but couldn't get it). I did sleep, but that is when I had the terrible dream. Apparently Jared, Miles, and I were living at the house of a lady who used to go to my church. We were all lying in the bed, and Jared was GIVING BIRTH! He was sweet when it was born, holding him, sweeping out his mouth, and warming him etc. But, while I called the hospital to figure out that to do, he apparently put him in a small shopping bag. Anyway, the baby seemed fine when I woke up (it was a boy by the way, Jared didn't think to look right away in the dream). About the first thing I thought was "oh great, when will I ever sleep now?" Well, fortunately I woke up and only have one baby again. One sick, teething, but incredibly cute baby!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Time management?

I would assume other mothers of infants with blogs would have this same problem, but they don't seem to. I was just looking at the posts I have written since starting this blog, and almost one third of my posts I haven't finished and published. It seems that every time I start I get distracted, and can't get back to it. I don't have a real problem with that (even now, I'm typing with Miles on my lap). My curiosity is piqued because other mothers seem to have no problem both writting and publishing their blogs. Sup with that? Hmm, my only idea so far is a time management problem. It is on my part or theirs? I'll have to think about that during the 20,000 loads of laundry I do this week.

Here's a pic of the boy and his dad on Father's Day
Sorry it's a little blown out.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Oh my how June flew by!

Gracious! I can't believe I hardly posted all month. Well, I'm back and determined to do better. I may not have posted much, but I have still been reading a lot of blogs.

I got sick last week. I thought it was a sinus infection. I started with a sore throat on Friday. Friday night a friend came up from L.A. Saturday I was running a fever (I know, way to be a good hostess). Sunday Jared's brother came in town with his girl friend. They wanted to mess around in S.F. on Sunday then go to her dad's place in Marin. They came over first thing in the morning and we all went out to breakfast. Then we went to Fort Point and the Presidio. We went up to Coit tower, then out to lunch. After lunch they headed over to Marin, and we went home with our guest. She left later that evening. We had a very nice visit (I hope she enjoyed it too and didn't feel left out because Jared's brother was here). Monday Jared had to work from the house, so we stayed around here, but Tuesday we went to wine country with his brother and GF. That was fun. All this time I was sick. Wednesday we were both tired, but finally on Thursday Jared started to show symptoms. So I called the doctor and set up appointments for both of us. We all went in just to hear, "it's viral and there is nothing I can do." She prescribed an antibiotic for the ear infection I'm working on, but that's about it. I hate that. Miles has seemed fine, but now that it's Saturday he is starting to show symptoms too. He is asleep in my lap right now. He has a well-baby appointment next Friday.

Anyway, that is just this past week, but that is how the whole month went! I haven't even posted pictures since about the last time I posted here. I have to do better at that...which brings me (the long way) to my point. SMART Habit Saturday. It is hosted by The Lazy Organizer. She wants to break larger goals, like becoming a better wife, mother, and housekeeper into smaller, more attainable goals. This is great because you should have large goals, but how do you get there? The same way you eat an elephant! One bite at a time (if you wanted to eat an elephant that is, which I do not). So, I'm going to try working on one goal at a time, posting a new one each week and updating progress on the previous ones. I have so many areas in my life I need to work on, I hardly know where to start! I think I'll start with first thing in the morning...making the bed as soon as everyone is up. I love having a made bed. I look into the bedroom every time I walk by it, and having the bed made makes me feel so good. This will probably be a hard one because we are all sick this week, but it is the best place I can think of to start.

07/07/07 - Make bed as soon as everyone is up.

Well, I should run make it before I put Miles down for his morning nap :)
P.S. Don't worry, posting more often is another goal coming up soon!