Friday, January 8, 2010

No pics today

Just sore.
Two days ago I started working out during nap time. I did it again yesterday. Then in the evening we unexpectedly went to help a friend sand/paint baseboards. Tired. Sore.

I'm working out again today though! Go me!

Ok, just one picture.

This is from last weekend. Jared and I bought and are donating to the church 8 cameras, a computer to store the data on, and the instillation (with his dad's help for the labor). We had just received the cameras and were testing them out. Jared left the room to check on something and called me back to him. When I went to check on Miles I found him making faces into the camera and laughing at himself on screen. Too cute! Sorry for all the junk in this pic. We have got to do something about the game room!

I added a weight loss ticker at the bottom of the page. I'll try to update it at least once a week through the beginning of April at least. I'm currently in 2 weight loss contests and they both run through then. For posterity, here is what it looks like now...

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