Sunday, May 6, 2007

Baby Madison

This is what the weather is like here today...

What a couple of days. First, and most importantly, Madison was born Monday morning! She is beautiful, and was a healthy 7lbs, 10ozs. She and mother (my sister) are doing fine.

On Firday, I took Miles up to the place I used to work. He was great. Everyone loved on him, and he seemed to enjoy it. At one point there were a bunch of people in the room, and everyone was laughing at something. He let out with this loud noise (not annoying, just loud for him) which I can only assume was him taking advantage of the moment to pratice his laugh too. He did very well, but was overstimulated by the time we left. He fussed a couple of times while we were there, but I put him in the sling and he was fine. I had him in the onesie that Celeste (my sister who just had her baby) gave us while I was pregnant. It is grey and long sleeved. It says "momma's little" and has a little red monster picture on it. Also, while I was pregnant a friend gave us these cute little socks. They are red, and have three toes, and go perfectly with the onesie. He was too cute. Here is a picture of him in it.

On Saturday we went to a BBQ at a friend's place. There were about 5 other babies there. That was really fun too. We spent the whole day outside and played with him and the other babies. We really enjoyed that. All the babies there were older than he is, and it was fun to watch them at all of their developmental stages. The oldest was about 6 or 7 months. He was sitting up very well, and reaching for things. Miles is getting better at reaching, but isn't quite there yet.

Thanks for's another picture :)

This is Miles playing with the Baby Einstein Lights and Melodies Activity Center that Celeste & Anita gave him.

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