Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HGP Check-in

We are sick, how are you?
I could give you the whole disgusting story, but let's just say that Miles threw up on me yesterday, and woke up this morning with a fever of 103.2! Yuck!

Miles in the sand box at a friend's house

Back to the HGP check-in. The week of September first was for the front porch. I'd planned to focus my efforts on the front garden. This has been a problem area since we bought the house 8 years ago. I didn't do the windows when I cleaned out there, and I only got 1/2 of the front garden cleaned out. This weekend Jared decided to buy a tree for the front and bushes for the half of the garden that I had cleaned out. I was ecstatic! That meant that I'd have Jared's help pulling up the roots of the volunteer trees that were growing right at the foundation of the house! It was slow going, and I cracked the sprinkler line which of course set us back. We did finish though. There are now 4 lovely holly bushes growing in front of my house!

The tree we bought for the front yard. It will be planted for us next week.

The next week was the office. I convinced Jared to work on the office with me that week because he had it off. We traveled and some other things that took a lot of time away from working in the office, but we got a good start. We even emptied out the closet and bought a wire shelving unit and put things back in. Before I get Jared's help with other rooms, we are going to have to finish the office. I'm fine with that, but I wish he would be a bit more motivated!

Gymboree had free sample classes at the PTA kickoff party

Last week was entry way/foyer/hall closet. I don't have much of an entry way, but my china cabinet is there. In the hallway, I have two closets; a coat closet, and a linen closet. I had intended to clean out the coat closet and the china cabinet and the regular cleaning of the spaces too. I ended up doing the medicine part of the linen closet, and the other spaces too. I didn't do a great job in the coat closet. I pulled out the boxes in there and decided I didn't need to keep many of them, but between Miles getting into everything, and Jared coming home I just put them back in the closet.

Mom & Dad's new den. They've had so much work done.

This week is the master bedroom. Yesterday, Miles got into his closet and pulled some things down on his head. This prompted an immediate clean out of his closet. I guess that means that this week I'll be doing his room. There isn't too much more to it, and it'll be a nice break while everyone is sick. With some luck this weekend we can finish up bits a peices of the things we have started and not finished, and I'll be able to get back on track next week!

Overall I'm pleased with my progress, how are you doing?


Jean Stockdale said...

Thans for stopping by my site and leaving comment about Joseph our Siamese. He is quite a mouser!

I am hosting an online Bible study on Epehsians for MOMS. It is a 10 week study with a video to watch on line and a podcast, plus an online discussion. Details are on my blog at


Mari said...

Thanks for stopping at my blog! Sounds like you have been really busy. I'm impressed! Hope the sickness is soon better!