Sunday, January 30, 2011

Book Recommendations

I didn't particularly make it a goal this year to read more, but it wouldn't take much to read more than last year! Here is where I'm at so far this year...

Devil in the White City

The Devil in the White City is the first book that I read this year. I zipped through this one really quickly, and I loved it! I first heard about it from Bonnie of The Boatwright Family. Its about the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and the architects that put it together. It was a fascinating read. I may have to find another of Eric Larson's books to read.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is the next book I read. My brother-in-law gave it to his mom for her birthday just before Christmas. As he was describing it to her, both my husband's and my interest were piqued! After she finished, she loaned it to him, but as he was still reading another book I took it first. It wasn't what I would normally read, but I really enjoyed it. It is about the first human cells to survive in culture. Also, it is the story of the woman they came from and her family. They are a poor tobacco farming family in Baltimore in 1951. It was an interesting story, and well written. There was a fair amount of science, but it was not written in a way to be over anyone's head.

I've started another book, but I'm not even a quarter of the way through so I have nothing to say about it yet!
Oh, one more...

I read Real Food: What to Eat and Why at the end of the year last year. It is a very interesting book, and has me looking just a little into the Paleo diet. That would be hard to do while doing the Daring Baker's Challenge though!

1 comment:

Bonnie @ The Boatwright Family said...

Hi Sharon - I have the Henrietta Lacks book on my to do list. I've heard great things. Thanks for linking up!