Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quick Projects

Jared is spending some time out of town in the next few months.  It isn't much, a few days here and there.  I'd like to have a few ideas for projects lined up so that this time can be productive.

Of course during the next out of town trip, I need to plan Miles' birthday party!

  • I need to go through my fabric and sewing accessories.
  • I need to go through my clothes in my closet and drawers.  I mean to be vicious about it too!
  • I'd like to re-do the pantry doors.
    I want to put some board on one door painted with chalkboard paint.
    I think I want some baskets on the other door for seasonings.
  • I think Miles and I can rewire the pachinco machine by ourselves.  I'm not sure though.
  • I'm going to sew a holder for the remote controls.  This will also protect the side of the sofa that the cats like to scratch.
  • I need to finish the trim in my bathroom.
  • I'm going to sew curtains for Nicholas' room and the back for his quilt.
  • This one I'm not as committed to, but I have a nativity set that I'd like to paint this year.
  • I just saw an organization system for under the bathroom counter that I'd like to implement.
Just a few ideas currently on my mind to accomplish soon.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For the Year

Each year for the last several years I have made a few goals for the year.  They have been remarkably similar.  I think I'm finally accomplishing some of those things.  Some of the others are things I master at times and need to remind myself of at other times (I'm looking at you meal planning!). 

Jared is ready to begin spending more time in the Word, and I am too.  I'm going to goal myself with reading a chapter a day.  More would be great, but I'm setting a goal for one chapter.  I know it won't happen every day, but hopefully most of them!

Last year I decided Miles and I would have an adventure every month.  I think I completed that one, but I didn't track them as well as I had planned.  I'd like another try at that one.  Now I have to think of 12 adventures to have!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Goals Check In

Goal Check In

Here is a review of this year's goals and where I am...

*Weight Loss:
~I will lose 10lbs in the first 3 months of 2012
I'm not sure exactly where I was at the beginning of last year, but right now I'm about 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I'm not unhappy at all!
* Cleaning Goal~I will keep a cleaner home
I do usually have Miles pick up his room daily, and he has a few chores, but not too consistent.  He almost always empties the silverware, but we don't run the dishwasher daily, so it seems inconstant and he is still complaining about it each time.
How nice to have a home where you are never worried about opening the door.
* Picture Goal
~I will take more photos this year
I didn't find a 52 of 52 this year. Sad! I also lost my camera at some point this year.  I did buy another, but it was a bit later so it has been hard to get back into the habit of taking photos.
* Bible Study Goal
~I will have a daily Bible study and I will read the Bible in a year.
I did not accomplish this.  Try try again.
*Christmas Goals
~I will have a low stress Christmas this year.
I didn't get may gifts purchased before hand, but it wasn't a very stressful Christmas.  I also didn't do the advent activities I wanted to. 
*Family Goal~I will go on a field trip with Nicholas each month this year (and take plenty of pictures helping my photo goal).
I'm not sure if I accomplished this one or not.  I'm sure I could come up with something that qualifies though!

Over the next day or two I'm going to consider the Christmas season we had this year and what I want to do differently.  I have a notebook where I can keep these thoughts and still find them next year! :)  I'll also consider goals for 2013 and write something about those.